Edit a meter
You can edit a meter with the Actions menu.
- Edit Meter
- When modifying a meter name the existing meter code is not updated automatically.
- When updating the postal code, when the city and state are populated they are not updated automatically. Delete these entries before entering the new postal code.
- You cannot delete a meter that is part of a chargebacks process.
- Change Serial Number
- Use the Change Serial Number option to keep a history of the previous serial number. The old serial number is included when you perform a search.
- If you use Edit Meter and change the serial number the old serial number is not kept in history.
- Add New Channel
- Channels import interval data for a meter.
- Edit Meter Import ID and Route
- The meter import ID can be used to import interval data.
- Some organizations read submeters in a predetermined order each month called a route.
Unlink an account and meter
- On the Properties tab of an account or meter.
- Click Edit Linked Meter or Edit Linked Account.
- At the bottom, select Unlink.
- You can click End Relationship and set the effective date or Delete Relationship.

End relationship
- You cannot enter bills with a start date AFTER the effective end date.
- You can edit existing bills.
Delete relationship
- No bills can be entered for this meter on this account.
- Historical bill data is not affected or deleted.
- The link from the account to the meter is removed.
- You can edit existing bills.
Inactive meter
You can mark a meter and account as inactive. Inactive meters or accounts may not be visible in your tree depending on how you configure your settings in the Sites and Meters module menu.
Results of marking a meter inactive
- When a meter is marked inactive and is linked to Portfolio Manager, the link to Portfolio Manager is removed.
- Bills from an inactive meter are included in charts and reports.
- Inactive meters are counted in your total meter count.
Calculate an accurate meter use unit
If you have a water bill with refuse attached to the bill, you can eliminate refuse from the unit cost by creating a new refuse meter and linking it to the existing water and refuse account.