Data dictionary

Table: Accounts

Previous Version: Accounts

Column Name Prior version column name Description Data Type
Account - Name Account Name Descriptive name for account. varchar(50)
Account - Number Account Code Unique account number per vendor varchar(50)
Accruals Enabled Accrual Enabled Can accrual bills be created for this account? bit
Active Status Is this account currently active? bit 
Chargeback - Bill Calculation Are bills calculated for this account as part of a bill calculation? (chargeback type) bit
Chargeback - Bill Split Source Are bills from this account split to other accounts as a bill split source? (chargeback type) bit
Chargeback - Bill Split Destination Does this account receive bills from a bill split account? (chargeback type) bit
Created by Name Created By Name Full name of who created the account varchar(32)
Created by User Created by User Username of who created the account varchar(65)
Created Date Created Datetime Date account was created in the system date
Customer Customer Name Customer Name varchar(32)
Customer - Code Customer Code Unique customer identifier (user-defined) varchar(16)
Deposit Amount Deposit Amount Amount made as a deposit for the account money
Deposit Note Deposit Note Note regarding account deposit varchar(255)
Deposit Paid - Date Deposit Paid Date of account deposit date
Deposit Returned - Date Deposit Returned Date account deposit was returned date
Last Updated by Name Modified By Name Full name of who last updated the account varchar(32)
Last Updated by User Modified By User Username code for user who last updated the account varchar(65)
Last Updated Date Modified Datetime Last date account was updated date
Memo Memo Memo for the account text
Service Address - City Address - City City from address nvarchar(100)
Service Address - Country Address - Country Country from address nvarchar(64)
Service Address - Line 1 Address - Line 1 First address line nvarchar(100)
Service Address - Line 2 Address - Line 2 Second address line nvarchar(100)
Service Address - Postal Code Address - Postal Code Postal code from address nvarchar(32)
Service Address - State Address - State State from address nvarchar(100)
Service Begin - Date Service Begin Date First date of service on this account date
Service End - Date Service End Date Last date of service on this account date

Table: Account_Custom_Fields

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Custom Field Name Name of custom field varchar(32)
Custom Field Value Value of custom field varchar(255)

Table: Bill_Line_Items

Previous Version: BillLineItems
*Informational values and cost are now separate columns to help simplify logic and totals.

These tables contain actual data.

Column Name Prior version column name Description Data Type
Caption Caption Caption from line item (provided by user) varchar(32)
Bill Line Items Cost Cost Column Countable cost on line item money
Cost - Unit Code Cost - Unit Code Column Unit code for the cost varchar(16)
Display Order Display Order Order on the bill that this line item appeared int
Informational Cost Informational cost on line item money
Informational Cost - Unit Code Unit code for the informational cost varchar(16)
Informational Value Informational value on line item numeric(19,6)
Informational Value - Unit Code Unit code for the informational value varchar(16)
Bill Line Items Value Value Column Countable value on line item numeric(21,6)
Value - Unit Code Unit Code Column Unit code for the value varchar(16)

Table: Bill_Properties

Previous Version: BillProperties

Column Name Prior version column name Description Data Type
Accounting Month Accounting month (m) int
Accounting Period Accounting Period Accounting period provided for the bill (YYYYMM format) numeric(6,0) 
Accounting Year Accounting period year (yyyy) int
Accrual Bill Accrual Is an accrual bill bit
Accrual Bill - Reversed Accrual Reversed Is an accrual bill and reversed bit
Accrual Bill - Reversed Date Accrual Reversal Datetime Date accrual bill was reversed date
Amount Paid Actual Amount Paid Amount paid to vendor money
Approved Approved Bill has been approved bit
Approved by Name Approved By Name Full name of who approved the bill varchar(32)
Approved by User Approved By User Username of who approved bill varchar(65)
Approved Date Approved Datetime Date bill was approved date
Batch Batch Code Unique batch identifier varchar(255)
Bill - ID Bill ID Unique bill identifier int
Bill Source Bill Source Was the bill created by the system or entered into the system varchar(20)
Bill Split Bill Was Split Has the bill been split by the chargeback engine bit
Bill Split Date Date Bill Was Split Date when the bill was split date
Check Cleared Date Cleared Date Date check was cleared date
Check Date Check Date Date of check date
Check Number Check Number Check number used to pay bill varchar(32)
Control Code Control Code Control code assigned to bill varchar(255)
Created by Name Created by Name Full name of who entered the bill varchar(32)
Created by User Created by User Username of who entered the bill varchar(65)
Created Date Date bill was recorded in the system date
Created Datetime Created Datetime Date/time bill was recorded in the system datetime
Creation Method Created Method Name Creation method  varchar(32)
Creation Method - Code Created Method Code Unique identifier for creation method varchar(16)
Due Date Due Date Due date provided by vendor date
Estimated Bill Estimated Is an estimated bill bit
Exported to AP Exported to AP Has been exported to AP system bit
Exported to AP - Date Exported to AP Datetime Date exported to AP system date
Exported to AP by Name Full name of user who exported bill to AP varchar(32)
Exported to AP by User User who exported bill to AP varchar(65)
Exported to GL Exported to GL Has been exported to GL system bit
Exported to GL - Date Exported to GL Datetime Date exported to GL system date
Exported to GL by Name Exported to GL By Name Full name of user who exported bill to GL varchar(32)
Exported to GL by User Exported to GL By User User who exported bill to GL varchar(65)
First Day Start Date First day of bill (first day use occured) date
Held from Accounting Export Export On Hold Not available for export to accounting systems bit
Invoice Number Invoice Number Invoice number from vendor varchar(32)
Last Day - Exclusive End Date End of bill (exclusive - recorded as day after last day of billed use) date
Last Day - Inclusive End of bill (inclusive) date
Last Updated by Name Modified By Name User who last updated the bill varchar(32)
Last Updated by User Modified By User User code for user who last updated the bill varchar(65)
Last Updated Date Modified Datetime Last time bill was updated date
Statement Date Statement Date Statement date of the bill date
Transaction Reference Transaction Reference Number ID provided by accounting system varchar(32)
Voided Void Status Bill has been voided bit

Table: Bills_By_Meter

Previous Version: Bills
*Cost and use values in this table represent the use and cost directly attributed to each meter. Billing data is calendarized to more accurately represent the month when the meter use/cost occurred. For total bill cost or billing period analysis, use the Bill_Line_Items table.

Column Name Prior version column name Description Data Type
Cost Cost - Direct Column Cost from bill directly assigned to meter money
Cost - Currency Cost - Unit Name Column Currency name/symbol nvarchar(32)
Cost - Currency Code Cost - Unit Code Column Unique code for currency (unique for each customer) varchar(16)
Cost - Includes Account Share Cost - Proportional Column Proportional share of account line item costs on bill assigned to meter money
Cost R Squared R squared value for cost numeric(19,6)
Cost Standard Deviation Standard deviation of cost numeric(38,19)
Demand Demand Column Calculated demand for the month (greater value of actual/billed demand) numeric(19,6)
Demand - Actual Reading Demand - Actual Column Demand value assigned to meter (represents actual demand recorded during bill period) numeric(19,6)
Demand - Actual Reading - Unit Demand - Actual Unit Name Column Unit name for actual demand values on meter nvarchar(32)
Demand - Actual Reading - Unit Code Demand - Actual Unit Code Column Unique unit code for actual demand values on meter varchar(16)
Demand - Billed Value Demand - Billed Column Billed demand value (what quantity was billed, not necessarily used, during the bill period) numeric(19,6)
Demand - Billed Value - Unit Demand - Billed Unit Name Column Unit name for billed demand values on meter nvarchar(32)
Demand - Billed Value - Unit Code Demand - Billed Unit Code Column Unique unit code for billed demand values on meter varchar(16)
Demand R Squared R squared value for demand numeric(19,6)
Demand Standard Deviation Standard deviation of demand numeric(38,19)
Demand - Unit Demand - Unit Name Column Unit name for demand values on meter nvarchar(32)
Demand - Unit Code Demand - Unit Code Column Unique unit code for demand values on meter varchar(16)
Energy Use Use - Global Column Use value assigned to meter (in global energy units for easy aggregation for customer) numeric(19,6)
Energy Use - Unit Use - Global Unit Name Column Unit name for global use values on meter nvarchar(32)
Energy Use - Unit Code Use - Global Unit Code Column Unique unit code for global use values on meter varchar(16)
First Day Start Date Column First day of bill (first day use occurred) date
Last Day - Exclusive End Date Column End of bill (exclusive - recorded as day after last day of billed use) date
Last Day - Inclusive End of bill (inclusive) date
Length Number of Days Column Total days of use recorded on bill int
Rate Schedule
Use Use - Common Column Use value assigned to meter (in common units for easy aggregation for customer) numeric(19,6)
Use - Unit Use - Common Unit Name Column Unit name for common use values on meter nvarchar(32)
Use - Unit Code Use - Common Unit Code Column Unique unit code for common use values on meter varchar(16)
Use in Meter Units Use - Native on Bill Column Use value assigned to meter in the meter's units numeric(19,6)
Use in Meter Units - Unit Use - Native Unit Name Column Unit name for use values on meter nvarchar(32)
Use in Meter Units - Unit Code Use - Native Unit Code Column Unique unit code for use values on meter varchar(16)
Use R Squared R squared value for use numeric(19,6)
Use Standard Deviation Standard deviation of use numeric(38,19)
Vendor Role
Weather Normalized Use Weather normalized use value assigned to meter (in common units for easy aggregation within owner) numeric(19,6)
Weather Normalized Energy Use Weather normalized use value assigned to meter (in global energy units for easy aggregation within owner) numeric(19,6)
Weather Normalized Use in Meter Units Weather normalized use value assigned to meter in the meter's units numeric(19,6)
Cost - Category 01 Cost from bill directly assigned to the meter and categorized as Category01 money
Cost - Category 02 Cost from bill directly assigned to the meter and categorized as Category02 money
Cost - Category 03 Cost from bill directly assigned to the meter and categorized as Category03 money
Cost - Category 04 Cost from bill directly assigned to the meter and categorized as Category04 money
Cost - Category 05 Cost from bill directly assigned to the meter and categorized as Category05 money
Cost - Category 06 Cost from bill directly assigned to the meter and categorized as Category06 money
Cost - Category 07 Cost from bill directly assigned to the meter and categorized as Category07 money
Cost - Category 08 Cost from bill directly assigned to the meter and categorized as Category08 money
Cost - Category 09 Cost from bill directly assigned to the meter and categorized as Category09 money
Cost - Category 10 Cost from bill directly assigned to the meter and categorized as Category10 money

Table: Building_Groups

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Building Group Building group name varchar(255)

Table: Calendar_Month

Previous Version: Calendar

Column Name Prior version column name Description Data Type
Billing Period Billing Period Billing period that corresponds to this month in YYYYMM format int
Billing Period MMM YYYY Billing period that corresponds to this month in MMM YYYY format nvarchar(8)
Calendar Month - MMYYYY KEY - Month Year Month/year represented as MMYYYY (e.g., 072019) - NOTE: String not number nvarchar(6)
Calendar Month - MM-YYYY Month - Year Month/year represented as MM-YYYY (e.g., 07-2019) nvarchar(7)
Calendar Month - MMYYYY with Dot Month/year represented as MM.YYYY (e.g., 07.2019) nvarchar(7)
Calendar Month - MMYYYY with Slash Month/year represented as MM/YYYY (e.g., 07/2019) nvarchar(7)
Calendar Month - Name Month Long Name English name of the given month (e.g., January) nvarchar(9)
Calendar Month - Number Month Num Integer representation of the given month (1-12) tinyint
Calendar Month - Short Name Month Name Three-letter representation of the given month name (e.g., Jan) nvarchar(3)
Calendar Month - YYYY-MM KEY - Year Month Month/year represented as YYYY-MM (e.g., 201907) nvarchar(7)
Calendar Month - YYYYMM with Dot Month/year represented as YYYY.MM (e.g., 2019.07) nvarchar(7)
Calendar Month - YYYYMM with Slash Month/year represented as YYYY/MM (e.g., 2019/07) nvarchar(7)
Calendar Quarter - Number Quarter Integer representation of calendar quarter of the given month (1-4) tinyint
Calendar Quarter - Q# YYYY Year/quarter of given month in Q# YYYY format (e.g., Q3 2014) nvarchar(7)
Calendar Quarter - YYYY-Q# Year - Quarter Year/quarter of given month in YYYY-Q# format (e.g., 2014-Q3) varchar(7)
Calendar Year Year Integer representation of the given year (e.g., 2019) smallint
Days in Month Days in given month tinyint
First Day of Following Month First day of month following the given month date
First Day of Month Beginning of Month First day of given month date
First Day of Prior Month First day of month preceding the given month date
Fiscal Method Is the fiscal year determined by the year of the first month of last month of the fiscal year? varchar(17)
Fiscal Month Month within the fiscal year for the given month represented as an integer int
Fiscal Period Fiscal Period Fiscal year/month in YYYYMM format int
Fiscal Quater - Number Fiscal Quarter Fiscal quarter as an integer int
Fiscal Quater - Q# YYYY Fiscal quarter as Q# YYYY varchar(7)
Fiscal Quater - YYYY-Q# Fiscal Year - Quarter Fiscal quarter as YYYY-Q# varchar(7)
Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal year for the given month represented as an integer int
Fiscal Year - First Calendar Month First calendar month within a fiscal year int
Fiscal Year - Last Calendar Month Last calendar month within a fiscal year int
Last Day of Month Last Day of Month Last day of given month date

Table: Collections

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Collection Collection name vchar(50)
Collection - Code Unique collection identifier (user-defined) vchar(32)
Parent Collection vchar(50)
Parent Collection - Code vchar(32)

Table: Commodities

Previous Version: Commodities

Column Name Prior version column name Description Data Type
Commodity Commodity Name Friendly Name varchar(32)
Commodity - Code Commodity Code Unique code (unique within an owner) varchar(16)
Commodity Category Commodity category to which the commodity belongs. If not categorized, this will be the same as the commodity. varchar(32)

Table: Cost_Avoidance

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
BATCC Energy Use Use value assigned to meter from baseline adjusted to current conditions (in global energy units for easy aggregation within owner) numeric(38,6)
BATCC Use Use value assigned to meter from baseline adjusted to current conditions (in common units for easy aggregation within owner) numeric(38,6)
Cost Avoidance Cost Cost from bill directly assigned to meter money
Cost Avoided Cost avoided; Difference of Cost and BATCC Cost money
Cost - Currency Currency name/symbol varchar(16)
Cost - Currency Code Unique code for currency (unique for each customer) nvarchar(32)
Cost Avoidance Energy Use Use value assigned to meter (in global energy units for easy aggregation for customer) numeric(38,6)
Energy Use Avoided Energy use avoided (in global energy units for easy aggregation within owner); Difference of Energy Use and BATCC Energy Use numeric(38,6)
Energy Use - Unit Unit name for global use values on meter nvarchar(32)
Energy Use - Unit Code Unique unit code for global use values on meter varchar(16)
First Day First day of bill (first day use occurred) datetime
Last Day - Exclusive End of bill (exclusive - recorded as day after last day of billed use) datetime
Cost Avoidance Length Total days of use recorded on bill int
Cost Avoidance Use Use value assigned to meter (in common units for easy aggregation for customer) numeric(38,6)
Use Avoided Use avoided (in common units for easy aggregation within owner); Difference of Use and BATCC Use numeric(38,6)
Use - Unit Unit name for common use values on meter nvarchar(32)
Use - Unit Code Unique unit code for common use values on meter varchar(16) 

Table: Cost_Category_Names

Previous Version:N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Cost Category Name Cost category name varchar(255)
Cost Category Reference Reference to actual cost category varchar(17)

Table: Cost_Centers

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Cost Center - Code Unique cost center identifier (user-defined varchar(32)
Cost Center Cost center name varchar(32)
Parent Cost Center - Code Parent cost center identifier varchar(32)

Table: Emission_Record_Calendarized

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
CO2e Metric Ton Equivalent Carbon Dioxide (CO2) for the tracked source emitted gas - always represented in metric tons numeric
Emissions Quantity of source GHG gas emitted decimal
Emissions Record - ID Emissions record identifier int
Emissions Type Source GHG gas emitted nvarchar(64)
Emissions Unit Measurement unit for tracking source GHG gas varchar(16)
YearMonth Calendar month of tracked emissions numeric

Table: Emission_Record_Properties

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Bill - ID Identifier from UtilityManagement bill containing source use for emission calculation (if applicable) int
CO2e Metric Ton Total equivalent Carbon Dioxide (CO2) for the emissions record numeric
Cost Cost associated with the emission record (if provided) money
Cost - Currency
Cost - Currency Code
Cost - Unit Code Currency unit for provided cost varchar(16)
Created by Name The name of the user that entered the record. date
Created by User The username of the user that entered the record. datetimeoffset
Created Date The date the record was entered. varchar(32)
Created Datetime The date and time the record was entered. varchar(65)
Creation Method Method used to create the record: Manual, Imported, From EUM Bill, and From REC on EUM bill. nvarchar(32)
Emission Record Type varchar(32)
Emissions Record - ID Unique record identifier assigned by the system. int
Emissions Source - Code nvarchar(32)
First Day date
GHG Factor Name nvarchar(128)
GHG Scope nvarchar(64)
Last Day - Exclusive date
Last Day - Inclusive date
Last Updated by Name The name of the user that last updated the record. varchar(32)
Last Updated by User The username of the user that last updated the record. varchar(65)
Last Updated Date The date the record was last updated. date
Last Updated Datetime The date and time the record was last updated. datetimeoffset
Note nvchar(255)
Quantity Quantity of material consumed, money spent, or activity that created emissions. numeric
Quantity - Unit Code The unit of measure of the quantity. varchar(16)
Scope - Category nvarchar(64)
Vendor - Code varchar(16)

Table: Emissions_Sources

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name  Description Data Type
Active Is this emissions source currently active?
Created By Name of user who created the emissions source
Created by (Username) Username of user who created the emissions source
Created Date Date and time emissions source was created 
Default GHG Factor
Default Scope Category
Emissions Source Emissions source name
Emissions Source - Code Unique emissions source identifier (user-defined)
Linked Meter - Code The code of the meter linked to the emissions source (if applicable)
Location - City
Location - Country
Location - Latitude Latitude of emissions source
Location - Line 1
Location - Line 2
Location - Line 3
Location - Longitude Longitude of emissions source
Modified By Name of user who last updated the emissions source
Modified By (Username) Username of user who last updated the emissions source
Modified Date Date and time emissions source was last updated
Parent Collection
Parent Collection - Code
Type (Commodity)

Table: Flag_Properties

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
FlagId Unique identifier for a flag int
BillID Uniquie identifier for a bill int
Status Status of the flag (for example, resolved, unresolved) varchar(32)
Created By User Username of who created the flag varchar(65)
Created By Name Full name of the user who created the flag varchar(32)
Created Date Creation date of the flag date
Last Updated By User Username of who last updated the flag varchar(65)
Last Updated By Name Full name of user who last updated the flag varchar(32)
Last Update Date Date the flag was updated date

Table: Flag_Issue

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Flag Type Info For example, Audit Exception or Late Fee varchar(32)
Flag Issue Type Info The issue type of the bill flag, for example, Total Cost Mismatch or Duplicate Bill varchar(64)
Flag Issue Category The issue category, for example, Bill Entry or Outlier varchar(32)

Table: Flag_Assignee

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Assigned to User Username of bill flag assignee varchar(65)
Assigned to Name Full name of bill flag assignee varchar(32)

Table: Flag_Event

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Created Date Create date of flag event date
Created by Name Full name of who created the flag event varchar(32)
Created by User Username of who created the flag event varchchar(65)
Description varchar(max)
Comment Comments entered for the flag varchar(max)
Event Action Action taken on the flag varchar(32)

Table: GL_Records

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
General Ledger ID Unique identifier for general ledger record varchar(255)
General Ledger - Sub Code 01 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 02 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 03 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 04 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 05 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 06 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 07 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 08 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 09 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 10 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 11 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 12 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 13 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 14 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 15 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 16 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 17 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 18 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 19 Value for subcode field varchar(25)
General Ledger - Sub Code 20 Value for subcode field varchar(25)

Table: GL_Subcode_Names

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
General Ledger Sub Code Name Friendly name for subcode field varchar(32)
General Ledger Sub Code Reference Reference to actual subcode field name varchar(17)

Table: Interval_Data

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Estimated Reading Is an estimated reading bit
Previous Reading Timestamp Time of directly preceding reading datetimeoffset(3)
Reading Timestamp Time of reading in meter's time zone datetimeoffset(3)
Interval Data Value Calculated value of the reading float
Value - Unit Unique unit code for reading's calculated value varchar(16)

Table: Last_Refresh_Timestamp

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Last Refresh Timestamp Date/time when the data model was last refreshed (always provided in the timezone of the database server)
Model Updated Date Date when model was last updated

Table: Line_Item_Types

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Charge Type Charge, refund, or ignore varchar(6)
Line Item Category Category of the line item (e.g., Usage, Demand, Charge, etc.) varchar(16)
Line Item Type Name of line item type varchar(32)
Line Item Type - Code Unique identifier for line item type varchar(16)

Table: Meter_Channels

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Date Type Name of data type being tracked varchar(32)
Data Type - Code Unique identifier for data type being tracked varchar(16)
Interval Interval between data readings varchar(9)
Meter Code - Data Type - Interval Combined meter identifier, data type, and interval (unique value per owner) varchar(59)

Table: Meter_Custom_Fields

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Custom Field Name Name of custom field varchar(32)
Custom Field Value Value for custom field varchar(255)

Table: Meter_Groups

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Meter Group Meter group name varchar(255)

Table: Meters

Previous Version: Meters

Column Name Prior version column name Description Data Type
Active Is meter currently active? bit
Address - City Address - City City from address nvarchar(100)
Address - Country Address - Country Country from address nvarchar(64)
Address - Line 1 Address - Line 1 First address line nvarchar(100)
Address - Line 2 Address - Line 2 Second address line nvarchar(100)
Address - Postal Code Address - Postal Code Postal code from address nvarchar(32)
Address - State Address - State State from address nvarchar(100)
Bill Entry Note Bill Entry Note Bill entry note for meter varchar(64)
Chargeback - Bill Calculation Are bills calculated for this meter as part of a bill calculation? (chargeback type) bit
Chargeback - Bill Split Source Are bills from this meter split to other meters as a bill split source? (chargeback type) bit
Chargeback - Bill Split Destination Does this meter receive bills from a bill split meter? (chargeback type) bit
Created by Name Created By Name Full name ofwho created the meter varchar(32)
Created by User Created By User Username of who created the meter varchar(65)
Created Date Created Datetime Date meter was created in the system date
Included in Cost Avoidance Included in Cost Avoidance Is meter included in cost avoidance calculations? int
Included in ENERGY STAR Included in ENERGY STAR Is meter included in ENERGY STAR submissions for the property? int
Last Updated by Name Modified By Name Full name of who last updated the meter varchar(32)
Last Updated by User Modified By User Usernaeme of who last updated the meter varchar(65)
Last Updated Date Modified Datetime Last date meter was updated date
Latitude Address - Latitude Latitude of meter decimal(10,8) 
Longitude Address - Longitude Longitude of meter decimal(11,8)
Meter Meter Name Meter name/description varchar(50)
Meter - Code Meter Code Unique meter identifier (user-defined) varchar(32)
Primary Use Primary use (purpose) of the meter varchar(64)
Primary Use - Code Primary use (purpose) of the meter - code varchar(64)
Serial Number Serial Number Serial number assigned to meter varchar(255)

Table: Place_Custom_Fields

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Custom Field Name Name of custom field varchar(32)
Custom Field Value Value of custom field varchar(255)

Table: Places

Previous Version: Places

*Building has been changed to site in the application. No changes have been made to RDBI tables.

Column Name Prior version column name Description Data Type
Address - City Address - City City from address nvarchar(100)
Address - Country Address - Country Country from address nvarchar(64)
Address - Line 1 Address - Line 1 First address line nvarchar(100)
Address - Line 2 Address - Line 2 Second address line nvarchar(100)
Address - Postal Code Address - Postal Code Postal code from address nvarchar(32)
Address - State Address - State State from address nvarchar(100)
Build Date Build Date Date building was built date
Building or Organization Building or Organization Is this place treated as a building or organization? varchar(12)
Created by Name Created By Name Full name of who created the building varchar(32)
Created by User Created By User Username of who created the building varchar(65)
Created Date Created Date Date building was created in the system date
Floor Area - Current Floor area effective now int
Floor Area - Current - Unit Unit of current floor area nvarchar(32)
Include in ENERGY STAR Is building submitted to ENERGY STAR? int
Last Updated by Name Modified By Name Full name of who last updated the building varchar(32)
Last Updated by User Modified By User Username of who last updated the building varchar(65)
Last Updated Date Modified Datetime Last date building was updated date
Latitude Address - Latitude Latitude of building decimal(10,8)
Longitude Address - Longitude Longitude of building decimal(11,8)
Parent Place - Code Parent Place Code Unique identifier for parent place varchar(32)
Place Place Name Place name/description varchar(50)
Place - Code Place Code Unique place identifier varchar(32)
Place Type Place Type Name Place type name/description varchar(32)
Place Type - Code Place Type Code Unique place type identifier varchar(16)
Primary Use Primary Use Primary use (purpose) of the building varchar(64)
Primary Use - Code Primary Use Code Primary use (purpose) of the building - code varchar(64)
Weather Station Weather Station - Code Weather station unique identifier varchar(6) 
Weather Station - City Weather Station - City Weather station city varchar(32)
Weather Station - Country Weather Station - Country Weather station country varchar(32)
Weather Station - State Weather Station - State Weather station state varchar(32)

Table: Time_Zones

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type

Daylight Saving Time Observed

Is daylight saving time observed in this time zone bit
Time Zone Descriptive time zone identifier varchar(255)
Time Zone - Code Unique time zone identifier varchar(255)
UTC Hour Offset Number of hours ahead or behind Coordinated Universal Time numeric(4,2)

Table: Topmost_Collections

Column Name Description Data Type
Child Collection varchar(32)
Child Collection - Code varchar(32)
Topmost Collection varchar(32)
Topmost Collection - Code varchar(32)

Table: Topmost_Cost_Centers

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Topmost Cost Center Name/description for topmost cost center varchar(32)
Topmost Cost Center - Code Unique identifier to topmost cost center varchar(32)

Table: Topmost_Places

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Topmost Place Name/description for topmost place varchar(50)
Topmost Place - Code Unique identifier for topmost place varchar(32)
Topmost Place Type Place type name/description for topmost place varchar(32)
Topmost Place Type - Code Unique place type identifier for topmost place varchar(16)

Table: Units

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Unit Friendly name varchar(32)
Unit - Code Unique code (unique within an owner) varchar(16)
Unit - Type Unit type name varchar(32)
Unit Type - Code Unique unit type identifier varchar(16)

Table: Vendor_Custom_Fields

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Custom Field Name Name of custom field varchar(32)
Custom Field Value Value for custom field varchar(255)

Table: Vendors

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Vendor Vendor name varchar(50)
Vendor - Code Unique vendor identifier (user-defined) varchar(16)

Table: Weather_Daily_Temperature

Previous Version: N/A

Column Name Description Data Type
Mean Daily Temperature Mean daily temperature float
Temperature Date Date of temperature reading date
Temperature Month Year Temperature month year varchar(8)
Weather Station Weather station name varchar(32)