Bills module overview

Manage, search, export, and import bills with bill lists located in the Bills module. Viewing the Bills module is controlled with user role permissions.

bill flow diagram

Bill lists

Bill lists let you find specific bills and take actions on them.

My bill lists

Configured bill lists for your personal use.

Shared bill lists

If your user role has permission, you can share a bill list with user groups. Any bill list shared with you appears under Bill Lists Shared with Me. You can hide bill lists that are shared with you.


All bills are entered or imported into an open batch. You open a batch the first time you enter or import a bill. Your batch stays open until you decide to close it or mark it pending. You can only have one open batch but many pending batches.

Closing a batch does NOT approve the bills in the batch.

Bill imports

Import multiple utility bills with bill import. Two methods are available for importing bills.

Bill CAPture

Bill CAPture is a service offered by UtilityManagement to enter your utility bills for you. This section lets you upload your vendor bills, review previous uploads, adjust account settings, and monitor contracted versus actual transactions.

Accruals log

Accruals is a licensed feature. This is an accounting function to fill in bill gaps when closing out a fiscal period.

Bill export

The bill export process exports bills and prepares them for import into an accounting system. Bill export bill lists are configured in the Bills module menu.

Approval system

All bills entered into UtilityManagement are unapproved.  Depending on your Accounting configuration your workflow may only export approved bills.

Bills module menu

bills module menu



Bill Workflow Settings

  • Choose additional bill entry header fields and required fields.
  • Decide how to handle errors for bill imports.
  • Configure when bills are exported, changing this option is what adds additional bill lists in the Bills module.


Bill Import Formats Manage your bill import formats.
Audits System audits automatically flag bills that may need additional attention. You can configure audits in this menu.
Split Account Charges Account level charges are automatically distributed to an account's meters during bill import. 
  Bill CAPture settings
General Settings Configure batch naming.
Bill Line Type Mappings Bill line types can be automatically assigned during bill import based on rules. 


A report of user roles and their permissions is available for download on the Users and Roles page.

Custom user roles are created by administrators.